Friday, September 19, 2008


My wonderful, beautiful friend Emily just tagged me.

Five things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. We were still living in Salt Lake. I was working for Guadalahonky's and Scott was working for Hunt Electric.
2. Scott and I would have been married for a little over a year.
3. We were living with my parents then because we were sick of paying rent, and wanted to live rent free.
4. Sean would have been a year old.
5. We had one car ugly Pontiac Grand-Am

Five things on my to-do list today:
1. Study for a quiz for a business class I am taking.
2. Take my quiz on line.
3. Clean my kitchen..that place does not stay clean
4. Do about five loads of laundry. I keep procrastinating on that chore.
5. Go on Friday Night Date night with Scott. We are going to the movies tonight!

Five snacks I enjoy:
1. Coke
2. Cheese
3. Chips and Salsa
4. Tomatoes with Cheese on top
5. Hostess Cupcakes

Five things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Pay off my house and student loans
2. Move to Hawaii
3. Spoil my kids rotten.
4. Go to Disneyland every weekend
5. Drop out of school

Five places I've lived:
1. Bartow, Flordia
2. Las Vegas, Nevada
3. Sandy Utah
4. Saint George, Utah
5. Washington, Utah

Five jobs I've had:
1. Iceberg (hated that job!!)
2. The Training Table (Good Food, Friends, and Fun)
3. Guadalahonky's (Mmmm I am hungry)
4. Primogreen
5. The Sainsbury House

Rules: Each player answers the question themselves. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and leaves them a comment letting them know that they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog. Let the person that tagged you know when you’ve answered the questions on your blog
Five People I'm tagging:
1. Adrienne
2. Jen
3. Angie
4. Hollie
5. Megan


Unknown said...

I have a question for you. You worked for primogreen, I was wondering if you could tell me who the owner of it is. They seem to be out of business now. Thanks very much. Gordon Beardall