Saturday, July 12, 2008

You're it!

Ok, so my good friend Adrienne tagged me. What the heck is a tag and what do you do with it? The only tag at my house is freeze tag or cartoon tag or good old regular tag your it!!! So with a little help from Adrienne, I think I have figured this one out. So here it goes.

How to play this game of tag.
Post these rules on your blog:List 3 joys, 3 fears, 3 goals, 3 current obsessions/collections, 3 random surprising facts about yourself. Tag 5 people at the end of your post by leaving their names. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
3 Joys
1-my family 2-coke 3-sleep
3 Fears
1-Losing my family 2-talking in front of people (not my best thing). 3-not making it to the celestial kingdom. (I'm working on this one.)
3 Goals
1-graduate from Dixie (even thoe I plan on not working afterwards) 2-potty training Carson by the time he turns 3. 3- trying to raise my children to live the right way and stand up for what they believe in.
3 Current obsessions/collections
1- Coca-Cola (I can't get through my day with out one) 2- Salsa (Pancho's and Leftys is my favorite) 3- Chocolate!!!!
3 Random or Surprising facts about myself
1-I am horrible at math. I had to take Math 1010 four times. 2- I am getting gray hair. ( I guess that means I am getting old) 3- It grosses me out when there are burgers hanging out of peoples or kids noses.

Okay Emily, Angie, Hollie, Jessie, Megan your turn.

P.S The first paragraph I stole from my friend Adrienne. I am the least creative person in the world.


Team 'Iloa said...

Noel, you are so much fun. I always have a blast at girls night. Too bad be had some MIA but I am glad we still went cause I REALLY needed to get out of the house!!!!!