We're back!! Everyone who knows me I am the biggest procrastinator in the world. Right now I am suppose to be studying for finals, but I decided that I needed to catch up on my blogging at two in the morning. I am still trying to get use to figuring out how to blog. I am a very slow learner.
On a brighter note, we have been very busy. The kids has been doing great with soccer, and our saturdays have been juggling two different soccer games. I have come to the conclusion that I am ONE of thoes moms!! I am the mother who yells at the refs for making a bad call, getting mad at the coaches for taking my child out of the game and getting frustrated at my child for letting the ball roll right pass them. (Of course me yelling at the ref is very quietly so that no one can hear me.)
Carson is so much fun now. We are slowly getting away from the baby talk and we can have a normal conversation. No more of him screaming because I don't understand what he wants. His favorite words are Mommy I want juice, mommy I want cocoa, mommy I want to go outside, mommy , mommy, mommy sometimes the word mommy really gets on my nerves. Other than that we have so much fun playing together. I feel like I am the luckiest mom ever. I have been able to spend quality alone time with each of my children before they start school. I guess Scott and I have the perfect timing.